What is Graphic Design?

The piece I wanted to focus on was one by Sean McCabe. This hand-written/hand-drawn piece has initially done in ink and then digitized and printed on black licorice paper. The design is succesful for a variety of reasons. He varied his font styles making the design more visually interesting, but he limits the project to two styles. If he were to do more than that the design may start to appear cluttered and disorganized. The edges on the type are very clean and crisp. He also adds another design element by looping some ascenders and descenders of the script font into the more open block letters. The entire group of text is framed by a work lamp, which is consistent with the theme of the message. I view the design almost as if the lamp is shining a light or presenting the idea. I think his choice to print white on black is a successful one as it makes everything very clear and readable.