Why I need good shoes

I've been needing some good basketball shoes for awhile, but I haven't been able to decide which ones to get. I decided to reach out to my peers in hopes of making a more well informed decision. I've narrowed it down to either Nike or Adidas shoes. I realize it might be seem strange that I even want new basketball shoes since I don't play all that often, but it's still important to me. When I do play, I feel like having good shoes will help me be more confident in my ability. They may even limit my risk of injury. I'm leaning toward Nike, but we'll see how things go.

Identity and Branding T-Shirt

Final T-Shirt:

Final Design:


Design Roughs:


Handout Reading

The handout talked about t-shirt design, but mainly focused on identity and how we brand ourselves. It talked about how we present ourselves says a lot of things whether intentional or not. In a sense, we are walking billboards for the companies whose clothes we wear. Even beyond that, the way we do our hair, the way we wear our clothes, can show who we are...or at least who we want others to think we are.

Activity Score

Activity Scene:

Icon Scene (Cube):

Icon Alphabet:

Icon Sketches:

Humane Society Ad

Revised Final:

My compositional approach:

I tend to have an inside format, with an emphasis on well set type. I like to use sans Serif fonts, leaning toward bold or contrasting styles. The hierarchy of my compositions read from the top to the bottom, and the design is frequently static or closed. The center line is in the middle, with the logo off set. The design is symmetrical, formulaic, planned, and synergistic between type and image.



Concept Roughs:

Project Briefs:

Enlarged Thumbnails:

Reading #7